
GTT transports and facilities


If you choose to get public transports, you will contribute to make our environment more proper and you may benefit from some facilities.

If you are aged less than 11 years old, you can travel for free on GTT public transport network, thanks to the Tessera Junior.

Supervisors of young travelers aged between 3 and 11 years old, should exhibit the tessera personale di riconoscimento issued by Centri di Servizi al Cliente GTT for 3,00 euros. The document will remain valid until the child’s eleventh birthday.

If you want to visit MAcA Museum with your class, or school, hire a bus with GTT. For more information, please visit the following link: noleggiare un bus.

For more information please go to the following link: regolamento per l’utilizzo dei mezzi di trasporto GTT.