Vertical Urban Gardens

A special thanks to Secondino Lamparelli, nursery man, specialised in vertical urban gardens.

MAcA OPEN DAY – Saturday 23rd September 2017

Paolo Legato, Director of MAcA Museum, invites teachers and educators to take part to MAcA Open Day on Saturday 23rd September 2017 MAcA Museum, Turin.

At MAcA Museum Nitrogen marries the Apricot!

Another magical property of Nitrogen: let’s create a delicious sorbet.


Nitrogen makes “Ping Boom!!!”

Let’s discover together nitrogen’s magical properties!

MAcA’s folding boxes

A short guide on MAcA’s folding box building.

Let’s share our books at MAcA’s

Take a book. Bring a book. Sharing ideas is the basis of our common living. Thanks to all those who will join us, MAcA Museum. Just MAcA for friends.

10100 – PARCO DORA

10100, Torino. How does the city change! 7 recently concluded projects illustrated by Turinese people and the authors of the projects themselves. An opportunity to know the reasons behind a project proposal, the different steps and problems faced, actors involved and the impact on our city.