
D.Lgs. 14/03/2013, n. 33 “Reorganization of law concerning disclosure obligations, transparence and information dissemination by public bodies” published on the Official Journal dating 5th of April 2013, n. 80, in force since 20th of April 2013, intends to make information related to public bodies organization and activities accessible, in order to facilitate control on public duties and public resource consumption.

Association A come Ambiente, incorporating targets and goals of D.Lgs. 14/03/2013, n. 33, discloses documents concerning its administrators, executives, consultants and other staff.

To consult the full text of Legislative Decree n.33, please go to the following link (italian version): Decreto legislativo 14/3/2013, n.33, pubblicato sulla Gazzetta ufficiale n. 80 del 5/4/2013

(source: beniculturali.it, last update: 10th of April 2013)